The product team at UpdateAI

Introducing a Simpler Way to Collaborate with Colleagues on UpdateAI!

AUTHOR: The product team at UpdateAI

We're excited to announce a new feature that makes it even more seamless to share UpdateAI with your colleagues at work— even if you're not the official owner or admin of your organization.

Why This Change?

We believe in enhancing collaboration within your team. Now, you can effortlessly share recaps with your teammates, and view theirs as well — only once you give each other permission.

What's New?

From now on, anyone who signs up for UpdateAI will see the option to join organizations that match their email domain. This is how it works:


If you are the owner of "Acme Inc." on UpdateAI and your email is, enabling this setting will allow (or anyone with an "" domain) to join the "Acme Inc." organization during the UpdateAI sign-up process.

Problem Solved

No more waiting for an invite from the organization admin! New users can instantly join their team in UpdateAI, promoting faster collaboration.

Key Takeaway

Users part of organizations with multiple members extract 3x more value from our platform compared to private meeting workspaces.

Maximize Your UpdateAI Experience and Support Our Growth! If UpdateAI has impressed you, spread the word within your team. Feel free to use or customize the following message in your internal team Slack channel:

"Hey everyone, I've discovered a fantastic tool called UpdateAI. It's a cutting-edge platform that effortlessly takes notes during Zoom meetings. The accuracy has been a game-changer for me, allowing me to focus better and save time. Give it a try:"

Then send us a screenshot of your Slack message and we'll extend your trial time if you're a free user!

Not Sure About Your Status? If you're uncertain whether you're the owner or admin, simply check your status here in the 'My Organization' settings tab.

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