The product team at UpdateAI

Invitation to shape UpdateAI's most powerful new feature

AUTHOR: The product team at UpdateAI

Hi UpdateAI Community,

Big news! A month ago, we introduced a game-changer to UpdateAI: the Customer Intelligence dashboard. But, we never told you! We kept it under wraps on purpose, giving it time to integrate seamlessly into your experience.

Now, we're thrilled to invite everyone to join our Product Innovation Council for an interactive walkthrough of this breakthrough feature. Your feedback will be a key driver in shaping our immediate product development.

The highlight? You'll meet our new Head of Customer Success and Community, a former Microsoft UX Strategist, who'll lead a dynamic design thinking session.

Save the dates for these immediately upcoming sessions:

  • Wednesday, Jan 17th at 4:00 PM ET

  • Thursday, Jan 18th at 4:00 PM ET

Interested but not yet invited? Just email to secure your spot.

Looking forward to your insights and participation!

Warm regards,

~Josh and our soon-to-be-revealed Head of CS

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